Medal comes with Certificate included.
The Youth Education Medal:
1) The Youth Education Medal will be awarded
to a Compatriot after 15 educational presentations have been made. The
look-back period for qualifying presentations will extend back to 1 January
2) The presentations must be given to
preschool or school age children.
3) The presentations may be given in
both public and private schools. The presentations may be given in or out of
the classroom.
4) Presentations made in different
classes during the same day, in the same school, may be counted as separate
presentations if specific data such as teacher or separate class periods is
5) Presentations given as part of a
‘school day’ for living history events are acceptable.
6) The presentations may also be
given to youth groups or organizations such as, but not limited to the
following: Children of the American Revolution, American Heritage Girls, Trail
Life, Scouts, Girl Scouts, 4H, home school COOPS, church youth groups, etc.
7) The presentations must be recorded
in the Chapter and Societies’ Americanism Report to be used towards the
tracking and award of the PG’s Education Outreach Streamer. Presenters should
develop and submit Presenter Data Sheets to the National Education Committee
and must have completed Youth Protection Training.
8) The Medal may be awarded multiple
a) After the initial Medal has been
received, the recipient will receive a bronze oak leaf cluster for each
additional 15 presentations given.
b) Five Bronze Oak Leaf Clusters can
be replaced with one silver oak leaf cluster. Presentation and wear of oak leaf
clusters shall follow NSSAR policy.
c) The presentation(s) must be
approved by the State Society Education Program Chairman or equivalent
committee within the society.